Destiny 2 Cross-Play Accidentally Enabled Months Ahead of Schedule

Destiny 2 fans have been eagerly awaiting for cross-play support, and it’s arrived months ahead of schedule… sort of.

Video Games Chronicle reports the arrival of cross-play support is actually a technical fluke. Bungie’s lead community manager Cozmo tweeted Wednesday telling players to partake until they disable the feature later this week.

“We are seeing reports that some players are able to get a sneak peek at Cross-play,” Cozmo said. “This isn’t meant to be live yet and is not representative of the full experience. We will be implementing a fix to remove public access later this week, but in the meantime feel free to partake.”

Destiny 2’s Season of the Splicer kicked off this week as well, and data miners quickly discovered evidence of a potential cross-play beta in Destiny 2’s future, pointing at a new emblem awarded for competing cross-play Vanguard strikes, reports Eurogamer.

[ignvideo url=”https://www.ign.com/videos/2021/05/12/destiny-2-season-of-the-splicer-season-pass-trailer”]

Destiny 2 assistant game director Joe Blackburn said back in February that Bungie is aiming to roll out cross-play sometime this fall.

You can check out the Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer battle pass trailer to see all the new weapons and cosmetics available now.

[ignvideo url=”https://www.ign.com/videos/2021/05/08/destiny-2-season-of-the-splicer-reactions-fireteam-chat-ep-298″]

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Joseph Knoop is a writer/producer/hunter for IGN.