Enter a Surreal World in Atmospheric Puzzle Adventure, Summertime Madness, Headed to PS5 and PS4

DP Games and Sometimes You have announced Summertime Madness, an atmospheric first-person puzzle adventure headed to the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 among other platforms.

In Summertime Madness, players step into the shoes of a painter who somehow ends up being trapped into one of his own canvases. In order to return to the real world, the painter makes “a deal with the devil” that sees him traverse a world of his own creations. Players will uncover mysteries and explore artistic landscapes while solving puzzles.

An overview of the story is as follows:

Prague. July 20, 1945.

The city of Prague was under siege, ravaged by war.

Buildings were falling, churches were burning, and everything was to be washed away forever.

A painter lived there, isolated from the outside world. The worse the terrors of war became, the more the artist obsessively painted beautiful landscapes as a contrast to the evil he had witnessed. One night, a mysterious figure appeared in the house seemingly out of nowhere. The stranger walked slowly around the room, inspecting the paintings. He then sat down in front of the artist; to offer him a deal.

The chance to enter one of his own creations, far away and free of war. But he would have to find his way back out before midnight, or else his soul would become trapped in the canvas forever. Feeling alone, on the edge of madness, terrorized by the scent of death creeping in from the streets, the artist shook the mysterious man’s hand, accepting the deal.

A few moments later, the house was empty.

Summertime Madness will release sometime this year. Check out a trailer below.

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