Mortal Kombat Face-Off: Which Kharacter Is the Best?
In honor of this brutal fighting game franchise and the upcoming film, we thought we’d let you decide who the best Mortal Kombat fighter of all time is. Is Sub-Zero your favorite? How about Mileena or Goro? We’ve selected 79 kharacters (we had to!) from Mortal Kombat’s storied history to “Face-Off’ against each other two at a time. Will you choose Liu Kang over Kung Lao? Or Noob Saibot over Raiden? The choice is yours… Click on the image below to get started!
What is a Face-Off?
Like the name suggests, a Face-Off pits two things against one another and you decide which one is the superior of the two. In this case, you are voting to determine who the best Mortal Kombat game character is. It’s possible to see certain Mortal Kombat fighters multiple times so you can keep voting for your favorites to ensure they get ranked higher than the rest. All these fighters get randomly paired up and each time you pick a winner, it’s tracked.
How do you determine a winner?
When voting ends on April 26, we tally up the total number of “wins” and “losses” each Mortal Kombat fighter has, and create a ranked list based on your choices that will go live later that day. The fighter that won the most matchups will be crowned the “winner,” and in the event of a tied number of “wins,” the fighter with the least “losses” will take the top spot. If you continue to keep voting for your favorite fighter, they’ll have a better chance of ranking high on the list. You can vote as many times as you want until the Face-Off closes.
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How do I know when I’ve clicked through everything?
It’s difficult to know when you’ve seen every Mortal Kombat fighter included because they are matched randomly and there are so many possible match-ups. Playing until you vote for all your favorite fighter or ensuring that certain fighters don’t get in the winner’s circle are different options you can take with a Face-Off. By deciding the winner throughout all these matchups, you’re ensuring that your picks for the best MK Kharacter will have a fighting chance to reach the top of the list.
Which Mortal Kombat Kharacters have you included?
The list of Mortal Kombat face-off competitors has been decided by IGN staff, and we’ve decided to include only the original fighters from the games series. While we all love guest fighters like Kratos and The Joker, we wanted this Face-Off to be focused solely on who the best Mortal Kombat fighter is.
Click here to start voting in the Mortal Kombat Face-Off!
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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.