PSA: PS Plus Getting 2 Day-One Games in September 2024

PS Plus day-one games

In case you missed it, Sony’s being super generous as PS Plus members are getting two day-one games in September 2024. You’d be forgiven for missing this as the announcements were scattered over a few blog posts, but both The Plucky Squire and Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions will launch on the service.

Which PS Plus members are eligible to download September 2024’s day-one games?

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions will be part of September’s Essential monthly lineup, which means players across all three tiers will be able to download the game at no additional cost. However, The Plucky Squire will be part of the Extra lineup, so only Extra and Premium members will have access to it.

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions will be available starting tomorrow (Tuesday), September 3rd, and players will have a month to claim it and keep it forever (with an active membership, that is). The Plucky Squire will release on Tuesday, September 17.

Sony has yet to announce the full Extra and Premium games lineup for September, but if a recent blooper is any indication, Final Fantasy XVI and Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game may be part of the catalog. Both games became briefly available to Extra and Premium members last week before being locked away.

The post PSA: PS Plus Getting 2 Day-One Games in September 2024 appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.