Playstation Life

Unlock Code Found for TimeSplitters 2 4K Port Hidden in Homefront: The Revolution

Just a few days ago, developer Matt Phillips revealed there was a fully playable native 4K port of TimeSplitters 2 hidden in Homefront: The Revolution. However, the code to access it had been “lost to time.” Well, it didn’t take hackers long to figure it out. Today, the codes have been revealed for the game’s full story and other game modes.

Discord user Coralian posted a full list of the console codes to access the game’s campaign, Arcade mode, Challenge mode, and three other codes that currently have unknown functions. They were found after Microsoft software engineer Spencer Perreault posted the Xbox One code for the campaign on Twitter, and other people began to reverse engineer the game. Perreault has since found another code for Invincibility, and the full list is posted in the Tweet below. The codes can be entered from the Extras Menu. Players need to select “TimeSplitters 2,” select “Story,” and then enter the codes into the level select menu once past the introduction cutscene.

When the missing TimeSplitters 2 4K port was revealed, Phillips described the game as a “a very janky prototype,” and that seems to be a true assessment according to those who have tried playing the port. PC players have reported display issues, stuttering, hard crashes and freezing, as well as the NeoTokyo level apparently being uncompletable. No reports have been made about the PlayStation 4 version of the game yet, but proceed with caution.

This is likely to be the closest players get to a TimeSplitters game of any sort, whether that’s a remake or a new title. THQ Nordic has reported they don’t have a TimeSplitters game in development because “it’s not our IP.” Those confused by this statement may remember THQ Nordic purchasing the IP in 2018, but this confusion stems from a simple name change. The current THQ Nordic, publisher of many titles including the upcoming Biomutant, used to share a name with its parent company. That company is now known as Embracer Group, and they also own the developer that has the rights to the IP, Deep Silver.

Meanwhile, Deep Silver has “no news to share right now” in regards to a TimeSplitters game, so it seems like we’ll be waiting for a while longer.

[Source: Twitter (1, 2)]

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