Wolverine PS5 Loses Creative Director to Xbox’s Perfect Dark

Wolverine PS5 reveal

Marvel’s Wolverine PS5 has undergone another development team shuffle, with its creative director departing for Microsoft. According to Game File’s Stephen Totilo, Brian Horton left the project sometime in summer 2024, and is now working on Xbox exclusive Perfect Dark.

Wolverine PS5 development now being led by Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart duo

A Sony Interactive Entertainment representative has confirmed to Game File that Wolverine’s new creative director is Marcus Smith and its new game director is Mike Daly. Daly has replaced previous Wolverine game director Cameron Christian, who’s still at Insomniac Games in a different role.

It’s unclear why Christian was replaced with Daly, but both Smith and Daly previously worked together in the same roles on Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.

Worth noting that in July 2024, Wolverine also lost its narrative lead Mary Kenney, which many chalked up to the game’s narrative being done and over with. However, there’s no official confirmation of this.

Rumors have been swirling that Sony is gearing up to reveal Wolverine very soon, possibly at The Game Awards 2024 in December. It’s been a while since we saw a major blockbuster from PlayStation Studios, and with Wolverine being in development for a while, all eyes are on Insomniac Games.

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